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Children's Liturgy at Emmanuel is defined as the practice of children ages 4 through 7 leaving the 9:00 Sunday worship and gathering elsewhere to celebrate a separate liturgy that is more appropriate to their level of understanding.  Its purpose is to gradually lead them to full, conscious and active participation in the Sunday worship. It is "liturgy", ritual prayer, not religious instruction ("Sunday school") or babysitting.  It exists not to give them activities to keep them busy so the adults can listen to the homily in peace!  It is based on the proclamation and breaking open of the scriptures. 

The children parallel what the rest of the community is doing at this point - in content, structure and symbol. Teaching is done by trained volunteers and accomplished by ritual elements such as processions, singing, dialogue and silence - all integral to children's experience of liturgy.  Visual elements such as liturgical colors, light, a cross and artwork are also prominent. 

A typical 20-minute session will contain the following structure:

1) Gather

a) Welcome, introductions
b) Brief explanation of liturgical season (colors, rituals, etc.)
c) Prepare the altar

2) Opening Prayer

a) Short, child-friendly or
b) Standard opening prayer
c) Follow by acknowledging birthdays and include a birthday prayer

3) Gospel or Other Reading

a) Read from a children's bible or lectionary (RCL)
b) Liturgical texts proclaimed intelligibly and unhurriedly, with the necessary pauses

4) Homily, Reflection and Discussion

a) To explain the reading(s)
b) Appropriate to the children's level of understanding
c) Can be instructional or make use of question and answer, discussion, guided reflection or silent meditation
d) Can be acted out or related to children's experiences

5) If Ending Early, add some...

a) Songs
b) Crafts
c) Questions And Answers from the "Worship IQ" Jar

6) Closing Prayer

a) Initiated upon arrival of acolyte, who will escort back to the worship service
b) Short, child-friendly or
c) Standard closing prayer

Occasionally, a non-typical session will contain hymns in place of a reading, or will contain a discussion on baptism which is followed by the children observing the baptisms occurring in the worship service. During the summer months, children will be watching videos that contain a Christian theme or message.